Republican Candidates for Municipal Election
PA State Judicial Offices
Justice of Supreme Court
Candidate: Sallie Mundy |
Judge of Superior Court
Judge of Commonwealth Court
Clarion County Offices
Clarion County Sheriff
Clarion County Coroner
Coroner – 4 year term
Candidate: Randall Stom |
Magisterial District 18-3-01
District Magistrate - 6 year term
Candidate: Duane L. Quinn |
Clarion County Treasurer
School Directors
Allegheny Clarion Valley School District
School Director Region III (Perry Twp., Clarion Co.) - 4 yr term Candidate: Kelly Terwilliger School Director Region IV (St. Petersburg, Clarion Co) - 4 yr term Candidate: Jennifer Feicht Clarion Area School District
School Directors Region At Large (Clarion Borough, Highland Township, Monroe Township and Paint Township) - 4 yr term Candidates(s): Shane C. Kriebel Zachary Shekell Braxton A. White Julie McCormick Clarion Limestone School District
School Director Region I (Clarion Township) - 4 yr term Candidate: Gary Sproul School Director Region II (Limestone Township & Strattanville Borough)-4 yr term Candidate(s): Kathy Henry David Schirmer School Director Region III (Millcreek Township, Clarion Co; Union Township & Corsica Borough, Jefferson Co.) - 4 yr term Candidate: Roger Powell Keystone School District
School DirectorRegion I (Knox Boro. & Salem Twp.) - 4 yr term Candidate: Stacey Thompson School Director Region II (Beaver Township, Licking Township and Callensburg Borough) - 4 yr term Candidate: Randy Burr II School Directors (Region III- Ashland Township, Elk Township and Shippenville Borough) - 4 yr term Candidate: Trisha Dixon John Slagle |
North Clarion School District
School Directors Region I (Farmington Township) - 4 yr term Candidate: Winfield Lutz School Director Region II (Knox Township) - 4 yr term Candidate: Lori Gatesman School Director Region II (Knox Township) - 2 yr term Candidate: Gretchen McCord Wolbert School Director Region III (Washington Township) - 4 yr term Candidate: Jeff Barron Redbank Valley School District
School Director Region II (Monroe Township, Oak Hall, New Bethlehem & Porter Township in Clarion Co) - 4 yr term Candidate: Darren K. Bain School Directors Region III (Hawthorn Boro. & Redbank Twp in Clarion County; Redbank Twp. in Armstrong County) - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Carrie L. Adams Linda Ferringer Union School District
Region At Large (Madison Township, Piney Township, Rimersburg Borough, Sligo Borough, Toby Township) School Directors - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Brade Guntrum Mark Rummel Jeff Shirey Adam Volge School Director - 2 yr term Candidate: Melissa Anthony |
Clarion County Municipalities
Ashland Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Floyd H. Watson Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Lane Byers Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Sara Ace Rex Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Debra Ace Beaver Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Roger Swartfager Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Michelle Campbell Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Elizabeth Beal Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Darlene Ace Brady Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 2 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Callensburg Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate: Bernie A. Ruth Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Borough Auditor - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Auditor - 2 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Clarion Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidates(s): Benjamin T. Aaron Jason P. Noto Borough Council – 2 yr term Candidate: Keaton MacBeth Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Daniel Parker Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Meagan Parker Kerr Judge of Election 1st Ward – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election 1st Ward-4 yr term Candidate: Susan A. Larrow Judge of Election 2nd Ward – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election 2nd Ward-4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election 3rd Ward – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election 3rd Ward-4 yr term Candidate: Clarion Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Robert Deemer Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Brenda Bunch Judge of Election 1st Ward – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election 1st Ward--4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election 2nd Ward – 4 yr term Candidate: Susan A. Sproul Inspector of Election 2nd Ward-4 yr term Candidate: Betsy Cooper East Brady Borough
Borough Council – 4 yr term Candidate(s): Thomas Hillwig Kenneth Crawford Borough Council – 2 yr term Candidate: William W. John Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: John R. Klein Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Kina Fink Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Elk Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Gregory H. Clark Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Kim Pfaff Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Anita J. Lahr Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Susan Radaker Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Louise E. Strotman Foxburg Borough
Borough Council – 4 yr term Candidate(s): Avis K. Ganoe Diane Page Borough Council - 2 yr term Candidate(s): Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Linda E. Gates Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Avis K. Ganoe Farmington Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Supervisor – 2 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Richard Heasley Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 2 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Nancy S. Ochs Judge of Election North -- 4 yr term Candidate: Ginger D. Vecchio Inspector of Election North – 4 yr term Candidate: Tammi J. Nogel Judge of Election Central -- 4 yr term Candidate: Carol Hall Inspector of Election Central – 4 yr term Candidate: Delene Siegel Hawthorn Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Malinda D. Little Adele Smith Terry Beamer Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Borough Auditor - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Ronald F. Cyphert Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Georgean Cyphert Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Ted Minich Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Lucille M. Rupp |
Highland Township
Township Supervisor - 6 yr term Candidate: Terry Stiglitz Township Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Rick Forbes Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Nancy Kadunce Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Phyllis Morrow Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Pamala Shattenberg Knox Borough
Borough Council – 4 yr term Candidate(s): William L. Henry III Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Borough Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Joshua Minnick Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Timmy L. Cochran Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Rhonda L. Minnick Knox Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor 4 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Licking Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Ronald Stockdill Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Diane Davenport Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Limestone Township
Township Supervisor- 6 yr term Candidate: Harry Smathers Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Connie L. Slagle Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Donna M. Smith Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Jean Ehrhart Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Dorothy Huffman Madison Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Scott Earley Township Supervisor – 2 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Jonathon Best Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Debra Johnson Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Linda Drayer Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Carol L. Hagofsky Millcreek Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Bob Kahle Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Deborah L. Frampton Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 2 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Vicki Johnson Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Deborah L. Frampton Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Judy Garris Monroe Township
Township Supervisor - 6 yr term Elect Candidate: Walter Shook Township Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Beth A. Saylor Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Barbara E. Stahlman Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Helen Bearfield New Bethlehem Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Lisa Diane Kerle Sandra C. Mateer Ronald Geist Donald Heeter Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Julie Evans Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Lori Ferringer Paint Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Ken Ganoe Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Karen Kahle Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Barbara J. Wright Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Linda G. Ida Perry Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: William Say Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Stanley A. Bailey Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Cari Switzer Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Bonnie Jordan Piney Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Ray A. Barlett Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Marci Bowser Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: |
Porter Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Steven Greenawalt Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Elaine S. Weeter Judge of Election East -- 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election East – 4 yr term Candidate: Judy P. Tabler Judge of Election West -- 4 yr term Candidate: Polly Jones Inspector of Election West – 4 yr term Candidate: Carol Brocious Redbank Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tim Shaffer Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Lana Hopper Judge of Election East -- 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election East – 4 yr term Candidate: Mary W. Truitt Judge of Election West -- 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election West – 4 yr term Candidate: Virginia Young Richland Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Donald Rodgers Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Kathy Hunsberger Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Jannie L. Shirey Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Margaret Studebaker Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Ann L. Rodgers Rimersburg Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Mark Deeter Scott Myers Daniel G. Stewart Terry L. Stewart Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Valerie L. Hile Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Ken Corle Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Margaret Graham Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Janet Troutman Salem Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Eric Barnett Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 2 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Kimberly J. Wyman Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: R. Scott Sheffer Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Steve Hepfl Shippenville Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Linda H. Duffee Craig D. Lewis Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Eric Sterner Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Julia Shoup Sligo Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Tyler Murray Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: St. Petersburg Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate: Thomas J. Courson Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Vince Forsythe Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Linda Russell Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Kathryn E. Ashbaugh Strattanville Borough
Borough Council - 4 yr term Candidate(s): John Reed Leann Bowser Robert Rawson Borough Council - 2 yr term Candidate: Borough Auditor - 6 yr term Candidate: David Corte Tax Collector - 4 yr term Candidate: Patricia Lewis Borough Mayor – 4 yr term Candidate: Harold "Randy" Davis Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Lois Jaquish Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Ruth Davis Toby Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Alan C. Carmichael Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Barbara Barger Washington Township
Township Supervisor – 6 yr term Candidate: Mark Beichner Township Auditor – 6 yr term Candidate: Township Auditor – 4 yr term Candidate: Tax Collector – 4 yr term Candidate: Timothy Nale Judge of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Inspector of Election – 4 yr term Candidate: Jeanine M. Kaye |